
Seamoss Selections

  • Full Spectrum Seamoss Gel *Popular*
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    from $35.00
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    from $35.00
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  • WildCrafted Elderberry Seamoss Gel
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    from $35.00
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    from $35.00
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  • Wildcrafted Golden Seamoss Gel
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    from $30.00
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    from $30.00
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  • Purple Wildcrafted Seamoss Gel *New Product*
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    from $30.00
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    from $30.00
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    Sold out

About Me

Replenishes Vitamin Deficiencies

There’s not much to say here, given the proof in the picture above! My mother was anemic for 27 years since having me and my brothers(I have three). I educated my mom about seamoss and what It can do for her overall health and how the iron in the seamoss can actually reverse your anemia. She was hesitant on dropping the pills at first but I told her to TRUST ME and so she did and hasn’t looked back since.

She’s constantly warm now, doesn’t wear hoodies, sweaters and blankets constantly and has increased her mobility, focus, and energy!

Imagine what it can do for you! I encourage anyone with any deficiency to definitely buy my seamoss and see for yourself!


This the my Phytosanitary Certificate. What is it you may be wondering 🤔? As part of International Trade Regulations, a Phytosanitary Certificate is an OFFICIAL document issued by the exporting country’s (St.Lucia) government agency to certify the country of origin and validate that the exporting country’s domestic plants, plant products or other regulated articles have been inspected according to appropriate procedures and meet specified Phytosanitary import requirements into the UNITED STATES. Mine was issued by “St.Lucia Ministry of Agriculture.”

If you order raw seamoss in bulk or whole sale from St.Lucia it WILL come with this attached to your product.

If you didn’t know, now you know 😉!

Two Tablespoons a day keeps the mucus away 🤧!

Facts on Elderberry!

Elderberry and Seamoss! 🍇🍋

What is Elderberry 🍇(Sambucus)?

Elderberry is a type of berry and it’s very rich in antioxidants and vitamins that will boost your immune system!

Elderberry is greatly known for reducing inflammation, stress, and increasing heart health. This is great for reducing your chances of getting a cold, flu and the symptoms of it.

Two Tablespoons a day keeps the mucus away!

Build your immune system the right way!